Girls Summer
Sewing Patterns for You!
School may be right around the corner, but it's still sweltering here, so I compiled a list of the Best girls summer sewing patterns using both knits and wovens. At the beginning of the summer, I realized it was time for a wardrobe update for the girls. McKenna had absolutely no shorts that would fit her and t-shirts and tanks were slim pickings as well.
It took me awhile between trips to the pool and lots of summer activities, but I finally got it together (its crazy hot here, so they will still get plenty of wear, yay!).
I really love sewing with knit fabric for the summer since they are comfy and cozy and easy to play in, although I do go with some wovens as well. So I thought I would share some of the patterns I used for their summer wardrobe that are easy to sew, make fun basics, and are great for mix and match.
Nessie Top which I have sewn here and here. I think this is a perfect staple summer shirt. I like that it adds a little flair to a basic t-shirt.
Girls Knit Tank Top is easy to make, great with upcycled T-shirts, and of course is FREE!
Kid Shorts by Made great staple pattern with lots and lots of options. Definitely some bang for your buck.
City Gym Shorts which I also made a few pairs here and here. I love this pattern! It is free and easy! And turns out super cute with coordinating fabrics.
The Anywhere Dress has a simple shape and a few sleeve options. I recently made this version, which is so perfect for slipping over swim suits during the hot summer.
Thank you